My expertise is in sport and economics, regulation, economic problems on the energy market and social cost benefit analysis on a broad array of topics. Examples of my research include (see my publication list for a complete overview):
Social cost benefit analysis
the welfare effect of organizing the Olympic Games
the economics of bidding for a mega sports event
the welfare effect of organizing the World Cup football
investment in electricity interconnectors between countries
the social costs and benefits of subsidies to spur internationalization of companies
second opinions of several social cost benefit analyses made to back up investment proposals (rail, road, and property development)
the welfare effects of ownership unbundling
valuing supply interruptions of electricity
policy aiming at attracting international organizations
investment in sewage works
investments in the quality of the public space in a tourist area
the effect of regulation to spur independent television makers
the effects of changes in the regulation of the electricity and gas distribution companies
the welfare costs of taxation
the effect of free pricing on the market for psychotherapy
the costs of long times to completion in the legal system
using competition and efficient pricing to increase the efficiency of locally produced public goods
the relation between gas and electricity market in the Netherlands and implications for competition
Energy economics
development and application of a method to evaluate investments in the high voltage grid taking the cost of supply interruptions into account
income effects of changing the energy billing structure especially with respect to the costs of the grid
the effect of high electricity prices for large end users
entry into the electricity and gas retail market
households motivations for being self-sufficient
a cost benefit analysis of gas storage
stimulation of CO2 free glass horticulture
Sports economics
Social costs and benefits of organizing the World Cup soccer in the Netherlands
Welfare effects of organizing the Olympic games in the Netherlands
Social cost benefit analysis of bidding for a mega sports events versus a cost benefit analysis of organizing the actual event
Difference between economic impact analysis versus social cost benefit analysis of a sport event
Social effects of the ‘Dam tot Damloop’
Economic and political economy motives to bid for a mega sport event