

July 3rd 2012: Successful defence of my PhD thesis ‘Social cost benefit analysis and energy policy’ at Jacobs University Bremen. Supervisor Prof. dr. G. Brunekreeft.

1999 - 2001: PhD student at Katholieke Universiteit Brabant, Tilburg (uncompleted).

1999 - 2001: PhD courses of the Dutch Netwerk Algemene en Kwantitatieve Economie (NAKE)

1997 - 1998: Master’s programma at CentER (Graduate Program in Economics).

1993 ­- 1998: Economics at Katholieke Universiteit Brabant

1987 - 1993: Atheneum at Romboutscollege in Brunssum

Courses followed

2012 - 2014: Didactical skills for starting teachers. (At the Amsterdam University of Applied Science).

2001 - 2011: Survey techniques, writing, presenting, acquiring new projects, communication, industrial organization. (At SEO Economic Research).


Work experience

2015 -         : Independent researcher 

2012-2014: Senior researcher sport and economics, Amsterdam University of Applied Science, Centre for Applied Research on Economics & Management (CAREM). Duties included setting up -nd running the research unit ‘Sports economics’. In this research unit, I have done research jointly with teachers from the School of Economics and Management. The goal of our research was, preferably by paid assignments, to increase the research skills of both teachers and students in the school, and to deliver some publications. Promoting research skills in the School by leading research workshops for students and teachers. Conducting internal and external presentations.

2001 - 2011: Researcher at SEO Economisch Onderzoek. From 2001 until 2004 as junior researcher, from 2004 until 2008 as researcher and from 2008 as senior researcher. SEO Economic Research exists of commissioned research. I have contributed to about 70 projects, mostly on competition and regulation, energy and social cost benefit analysis. Most projects were done in a team. Initially, I worked under supervision, later I worked as project leader. Presenting and explaining the research and results to the commissioners and others interested in such a way that also non-economist understand it was an important part of the job. Acquisition of new projects has always been part of the job. Several of the commissioned research projects acted as a starting point for scientific publications and conference presentations.

1999 - 2001: PhD student at the Katholieke Universiteit Brabant.

1998:           Internship CPB resulting in the master’s thesis: ‘Understanding Sectoral Developments; A study into technological change, rising welfare and other determinants of sectoral production patterns.’ Supervisor: Prof. dr. Th. van de Klundert.

1997 - 1998: Student-assistant for dr. Hugo Keuzenkamp. Editorial assistance.

1996:           Student assistant, teaching First year macro tutorials.




Jointly with Peter Horsselenberg I received the Research Award of the School of Economics and Management (Amsterdam University of Applied Science) for our research project ‘Image and social impact of the Dam to Dam run’. Awarded on June 12th 2014.

International research visits

As preparation for writing a PhD thesis I worked three times at a foreign university during two to three months as visiting researcher.

2009:           Bremer Energie Institut / Jacobs Universiteit Bremen.

2007:           Electricity Policy Research Group, Economic Department, Cambridge.

2006:           New Zealand Institute for the Study of Competition and Regulation,  Victoria University, Wellington.



Other academic activities

2008 - 2010: Research associate (member of the advisory board) of the research project Unecom about the unbundling of the energy companies (

2005 - 2008: Member of the scientific committee of the conference The European Electricity Market.




Other activities

2005 – 2010: chairman church council, Willem de Zwijgerkerk in Amsterdam.

2003 – 2005: Elderly for the Youth, Willem de Zwijgerkerk in Amsterdam.

1994 – 1997: Member of the student association ECCO, and as such member of several committees of the Department of Economics (Opleidingscommissie Economie, 1994-1997; het Algemeen Bestuur van de Vakgroep Algemene Economie (1994-1997); de Vaste Commissie voor de Wetenschappen (1995-1998).