
Most of my research was commissioned in the Netherlands, but I have also done research in Germany.

Besides that, I have done some uncommissioned research as well.

I have worked for a wide variety of commissioners, mostly government agencies, but also for foundations and companies. Examples are: the ministry of Economic Affairs, TenneT, Eneco, Stedin, Liander, Enexis, the ministry of Transport and public works, NMa/Energiekamer, municipality of The Hague, municipality of Amsterdam, Hoogheemraadschap Rijnland, Hoogheemraadschap Delfland, LTO Glaskracht and Stichting Natuur en Milieu, Prorail, IMSA, FNV Bondgenoten, Waarborgfonds Kinderopvang, the ministry of Finance, Actal, Waterschap Veluwe, Arcadis, VDN, NOS, WODC, NZA, BDEW, ENBIN, Stichting Industriebeleid en Communicatie, Accenture, Gedeputeerde Staten van de Provincie Zeeland, Stichting Leenrecht.